
Social Welfare

Department of Social Welfare is providing various welfare schemes for social upliftment of weaker sections of society. It plays an important role in addressing problems of weaker sections of the society, Like Old Age Persons, Women in Distress, Physically Challenged People, Mal-Nourished children Lactating and expecting women, Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Other Backward Classes and other Economically Weaker Sections of the Society.In the priority of our National Development, the commitment towards welfare of under-privileged and the down trodden, backward and vulnerable sections of the society is tremendous. The role of the Social Welfare in fulfillment of this commitment thus becomes important among the various sections and classes of our population, there is lot of deprivation and neglect and the Social Welfare Department has to be instrumental for removing the distress of these sections through amelioration and anti- poverty measures


District Social Welfare Officer

District Magistrate Office, Ramban
City : Ramban | PIN Code : 182144